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टी20 वर्ल्ड कप 2024: टी20 वर्ल्ड कप 2024: भारत-आयरलैंड मैच में, असमान उछाल की चुनौतियां और भारतीय टीम की रणनीति

टी20 वर्ल्ड कप 2024: भारत-आयरलैंड मैच में 'असमान उछाल' ने बढ़ाई चुनौतियां, रोहित शर्मा ने जताई चिंता आईसीसी मेन्स टी20 वर्ल्ड कप 2024 का आगाज होते ही भारतीय टीम ने आयरलैंड को 8 विकेट से हराकर अपने अभियान की धमाकेदार शुरुआत की है। इस मैच में भारतीय खिलाड़ियों का प्रदर्शन शानदार रहा, लेकिन मैच के दौरान 'असमान उछाल' ने सभी का ध्यान खींचा और कप्तान रोहित शर्मा ने ड्रॉप इन पिच पर अपनी चिंता जताई। असमान उछाल और ड्रॉप इन पिच की चुनौतियां आयरलैंड के खिलाफ हुए मैच में पिच का असमान उछाल भारतीय बल्लेबाजों और गेंदबाजों दोनों के लिए चुनौतीपूर्ण साबित हुआ। ड्रॉप इन पिच पर गेंद की गति और उछाल में एकरूपता की कमी ने खेल को कठिन बना दिया। रोहित शर्मा ने मैच के बाद इस मुद्दे पर खुलकर अपनी राय दी और कहा कि पिच की स्थिति पर विशेष ध्यान देने की जरूरत है, खासकर आगामी पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ मैच में। भारत का प्रदर्शन भारतीय टीम ने आयरलैंड को 8 विकेट से मात देकर टी20 वर्ल्ड कप 2024 में अपने अभियान की शानदार शुरुआत की। बल्लेबाजी में विराट कोहली और सूर्यकुमार यादव ने अपनी शानदार पारियों से सभी को प्रभ...

Media Silence | No one cared about the Manipur incident. No action against the rapist

 The recent Manipur incident has left a deep scar on the collective consciousness of the nation. However, it is disheartening to witness the lack of attention and subsequent inaction towards this heinous crime. The incident highlighted the apathy and indifference of society towards the victims, and the failure of the justice system to hold the rapist accountable. This article aims to shed light on the unfortunate reality of the Manipur incident, the underlying issues it represents, and the urgent need for societal and legal reforms.

The Shadows of Neglect

Despite the gravity of the Manipur incident, it failed to garner the necessary attention from the media, public, and authorities. This incident highlights a disturbing trend where certain cases fail to capture the spotlight they deserve, ultimately perpetuating a culture of silence and neglect. The vulnerability of the victim and the gruesomeness of the assault should have triggered an immediate response, demanding justice and safety for all.

 Media Silence

 The media's role in amplifying crimes against women cannot be underestimated. However, in the case of the Manipur incident, their silence was deafening. The lack of coverage hindered public awareness and weakened the possibility of mobilizing collective action. This selective approach inadvertently sends a dangerous message that some victims are less deserving of empathy and justice.


Public Indifference

 While the responsibility of demanding justice lies with the authorities, the public also plays a crucial role in fostering societal change. However, the Manipur incident was met with indifference from many quarters of society, further perpetuating a culture of victim-blaming and insensitivity. This apathy not only fails the survivor but also emboldens the culprits, who continue to operate with impunity.

Legal Inertia

The lack of action against the rapist in the Manipur incident exposes serious flaws within the legal system. Timely and effective law enforcement is essential for ensuring justice for victims of sexual assault. However, the slow progress and inadequate response from authorities in the case in question only deepen the wounds of the survivor and undermine faith in the justice system.


Systemic Failures

The Manipur incident serves as a stark reminder of the systemic failures within our legal framework. The delay in lodging the FIR, substandard investigation procedures, and an overall lack of urgency in addressing the crime send a distressing message to survivors of sexual assault across the country. When the system fails, it reinforces a sense of helplessness and further discourages victims from seeking justice.


The Manipur incident has laid bare the deep-seated problems that plague our society. The lack of attention and action surrounding this case forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about indifference and apathy towards victims of sexual assault. We must shed light on such incidents, demand justice for survivors, and work towards systemic reforms that ensure a safer and more compassionate society. Remember, every voice matters, and together, we can bring about the change we so urgently need.


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